Showing posts with label RHCTechnician. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RHCTechnician. Show all posts

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Sample question for preparation

nstallation and Red Hat Certified Technician (2 hours)

1)Install with the following specification
/boot 100Mb
/home 5Gb
/opt 5Gb
swap 500Mb
/ 1000mb
remaining /data as raid partition with Hostname "exam" and root password "redhat".

Network installation is to be done.
IP of local system
ftp server
anonymous login

2) Configure your machine to get dynamic ip
3) Install dialog rpm
4) Create a user "mark" who does not have an interactive shell
5) Create a user "green" who also belongs to group "mark"
6) Create a user who belongs group "mark" only
7) Configure your machine as dns client
DNS server

8) Configure an NIS client
NIS server

9) Configure your machine to mount the home directory of user "nisuser" at boot time server
home directory of user "nisuser"
10) Create a directory "share" in / with rwx permission to all users in group "mark" Files created in this directory should have read permission to all but users cannot delete files created by others
11) Configure a cron job to create a file "logout" in /root with the content "Time up" at 06:00 am everyday
12) Configure a local printer with queue name "prqu"
13) install the kernel rpm and boot with the new kernel(ftp server and location of kernel rpm will be given)

Sample question for preparation

Red Hat Certified Technician
1. Fll the enrollment form.
2. Install a dialog rpm. RPM lies in /var/ftp/pub
3. Installation requirement:
/home - 512 /boot - 128
/var - 512 / - 256
/usr - 2048 swap - 1.5 to 2 times of memory seen in proc filesystem. All the remainig space will be allocated to raid 0 and mount it on /data.
4. Add a group named sysadmin. Add 3 users john, jane, and eric out of which eric should not have
a login window. john and jane are members of secondary group sysadmin.
5. Create a directory sysadmin under /data. The members of sysadmin should be able to create files
in sysadmin. The files created in sysadmin should have group ownership as sysadmin.
6. Enable ip forwarding.
7. Export /data only to domain
8. Upgrade with appropriate kernel. New kernel lies in /var/ftp/pub/updates.
9. Printer configuration through IPP(cups). The print que is stationx. and server is You can check it under site
10. In the server nisuserx has his home directory in /rhome/stationx/nisuserx.
In your system nisuserx should get his home directory in /rhome/nisuserx. All other nisusers should be able to login but others can't get their home directory.
11. User jane sets a cronjob to print hello to any output device at 1.30AM